Friday, February 14, 2025 
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Cinematronic by Michael Snyder
  Sexy Beast cinematronic

Jonathan Glazer


Ben Kingsley, Ray Winstone




Special edition — widescreen; closed caption; Spanish subtitles; audio commentary by star Ben Kingsley and producer Jeremy Thomas; featurette; theatrical trailers; TV spots.

rating rating cinematronic
  Ben Kingsley is both electrifying and chilling as Don, a vicious career criminal and archetypal bully, in this stylish, hard-boiled drama that kicks in when a British thug arrives in Spain to drag a reluctant crony back to London for one last caper. The insane, volatile Don is a monstrous creation, worlds away from Kingsley's Oscar-winning portrayal of pacifist Mahatma Gandhi, and should be considered another high point on the actor's gilded résumé. If Don is a force of nature, like a destructive storm, retired mobster Gal is the film's anti-hero, buffeted by Don's ill wind. Gal's services are coveted by the gang in the UK; he would rather lie low at his Spanish villa with his lady, an ex-porn star, and enjoy the good life. But underworld ties bind tight. With psychological tension, casual savagery, comic notes, a sun-baked locale and a heist sequence, not a moment is wasted on screen. And Ray Winstone as Gal, whose sad eyes have seen it all and seen enough, meets Kingsley's standard, scene for scene. Top gear.  


I'm Not There / Love In The Time Of Cholera / Gone Baby Gone / Delirious / 2 Days In Paris /


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