Sunday, February 9, 2025 
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Cinematronic by Michael Snyder
  Sidewalks of New York cinematronic

Edward Burns


Edward Burns, Heather Graham, Stanley Tucci, Brittany Murphy, David Krumholtz, Rosario Dawson, Dennis Farina




Widescreen; closed caption; English subtitles; commentary by director Edward Burns; "Anatomy of a Scene: 'Sidewalks of New York'" making-of documentary.

rating rating cinematronic
  Pleasantly chatty, generically cute romantic comedy with choice cast and hand-held docu-cam feel. Edward Burns ("She's the One"), the triple-threat (writing, directing, acting) hunk from Long Island, N.Y., forges into Woody Allen territory with a Manhattanized take on "La Ronde." Burns plays TV producer Tommy, who just broke up with his girlfriend and is trying to get lucky with a wary school teacher (Rosario Dawson), whose clinging ex-husband, a doorman/musician (David Krumholtz), is also hot for a waitress (Brittany Murphy), who's trying to extricate herself from a relationship with a sneaky older man, a dentist (Stanley Tucci) whose neglected wife, a real estate agent (Heather Graham), is helping Tommy look for a new apartment, because Tommy just broke up with his girlfriend. Got it? When attraction flares between Tommy and real-estate gal, it's clear where this is going. Tommy's fathead pal (Dennis Farina), self-avowed catnip to the ladies, is thrown in for cheap laughs, readily elicited.  


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