Sunday, February 9, 2025 
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Cinematronic by Michael Snyder
  Black Hawk Down cinematronic

Ridley Scott


Josh Hartnett, Ewan McGregor, Tom Sizemore, Eric Bana, Sam Shepard




Widescreen; closed caption; English, Spanish audio tracks; French, Chinese, Thai, English subtitles; "On the Set" featurette; theatrical trailer; production notes.

rating rating cinematronic
  In terms of harsh realism and human anguish, it's hard to argue with director Ridley Scott's ugly, seemingly accurate recreation of a failed 1993 U.S. military action in famine-ravaged, civil war-torn Somalia. Based on a book by investigative journalist Mark Bowden, the film covers the circumstances of a raid by American forces looking to do away with murderous local warlord Mohamed Farah Aidid, who had been undermining hunger relief efforts in the area. What was nominally a peacekeeping mission becomes an armed conflict when U.S. troops enter the city of Mogadishu in hopes of capturing Aidid or members of his command — and the plan goes amiss. The pacing, battle scenes and acting are dead on. One senses truth here, whether seen from a distance, in tight close-up or from the vantage point of history. But grime-encrusted Josh Hartnett, Ewan McGregor, Tom Sizemore and the rest who play soldiers become nearly indistinguishable under their helmets. So don't expect to feel an attachment to anyone.  


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