Sunday, February 9, 2025 
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Cinematronic by Michael Snyder
  The One cinematronic

James Wong


Jet Li, Delroy Lindo, Carla Gugino, Jason Statham



rating rating cinematronic
  If nothing else, there are the effects — digital and anatomical — to gorge on in this sci-fi battlefest showcasing martial-arts superstar Jet Li, fighting ... himself! The premise of the film, directed and co-written by James Wong ("The X-Files"), is one familiar to comic-book readers: the concept of parallel universes, with great or subtle differences, existing in the same space but at different vibrational frequencies. In every one, there's a duplicate version of each of us. A renegade (Jet), illegally using classified technology, travels the multiverse to slaughter his doppelgängers, steal their life force and become god-like. The last duplicate marked for death is a cop on our world, and he'll go down fighting. The wild eye-candy (a transporter device that violently breaks down and reintegrates human tissue; a super-fast, super-strong Jet vs. Jet grudge match) is enough to recommend a DVD rental or half-price ticket. And that's all, folks. With Delroy Lindo, Carla Gugino ("Spy Kids") and Jason Statham ("Snatch").  


I'm Not There / Love In The Time Of Cholera / Gone Baby Gone / Delirious / 2 Days In Paris /


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