Sunday, February 9, 2025 
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Cinematronic by Michael Snyder
  Festival In Cannes cinematronic

Henry Jaglom


Greta Scacchi, Anouk Aim&eaccute;e, Maximilian Schell, Ron Silver, Zack Norman



rating rating cinematronic
  Director Henry Jaglom's movies, lightweight romantic comedies such as "Someone to Love" or airy faux-verit&eaccute; documentaries such as "Eating," are hit-and-miss affairs. But he nailed this fictional yet painfully true-to-life depiction of the marketplace vibe at the most famous film festival in the world, the annual gathering in the French resort town of Cannes. Current, future and former stars mingle with producers, directors, screenwriters and the press. Slimy scam artists and self-delusional idealists interact to further their careers in the biz. Amid the frenzy, a successful actress (Greta Scacchi) looks for financing to direct her own screenplay, while a "vintage" leading lady (Anouk Aim&eaccute;e) considers a comeback. Co-stars Maximilian Schell, Ron Silver and Zack Norman and a few cameos add spice. (Faye Dunaway! William Shatner!) One thing that's blissfully missing onscreen is the whiny, peevish Jaglom, who usually appears in his films even though he's ill suited to play a lead role in a comic love story.  


I'm Not There / Love In The Time Of Cholera / Gone Baby Gone / Delirious / 2 Days In Paris /


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