Sunday, February 9, 2025 
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Cinematronic by Michael Snyder
  Jason X cinematronic

Jim Isaac


Kane Hodder, Lexa Doig, Jonathan Potts, Lisa Ryder, Chuck Campbell, Peter Mensah



rating rating cinematronic
  No. Not "Malcolm X." "Jason X," as in the Roman numeral "X," meaning the number "10," as in the 10th film to feature Jason Voorhees — the indestructible, hockey-masked serial killer who first appeared as a villain of mythic proportions in "Friday the 13th." For what's dearly hoped is the last time, Jason lives again, only to be cryogenically frozen (with machete), excavated from his chamber in the year 2455, transported to outer space and resurrected on a rocket as it heads for a far-off Earth colony. Here's a good one: The spacecraft is bearing a bunch of sexed-up college students on an interstellar field trip with their corrupt professor, accompanied by the ship's skeleton crew and security team. It may be four centuries into the future, but the kids look and act like UCLA undergrads on spring break. When Jason gets a whiff of hottie hormones in overdrive, you know what's coming. Slice 'n' dice. As one of the film's dippy heroines says as she's about to be sucked out of a hull breach, "This blows in so many ways."  


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