Sunday, February 9, 2025 
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Cinematronic by Michael Snyder
  Mad Love cinematronic

Vicente Aranda


Pilar López de Ayala, Daniele Liotti, Manuela Arcuri, Eloy Azorín, Susy Sánchez



rating rating cinematronic
  This profuse, soap-operatic costume epic revolves around the historical tale of the 16th-century Spanish queen known as Joan the Mad, whose devotion to her womanizing consort left her bereft unto death. "Mad Love," complete with period-dressed castles, is short on swordplay and long on grandiose emotions that begin to seem silly as they heat to the boiling point. As such, it's more amusing than heart-rending, despite the story's tragic elements. In the blossom of youth, Joan (vigorous, model-beautiful Pilar López de Ayala) — daughter of Queen Isabella — is sent from Castile to Brussels for an arranged marriage to horny nobleman Philip (Daniele Liotti). He introduces her to the joys of sex, and from that moment on, she's in his thrall, even though he cheats on her at the drop of a codpiece. Philip is especially hot for a Moorish belly dancer (Manuela Arcuri). It's evident that Joan is heading for a confrontation with the lovers after Queen Isabella dies and Joan inherits the throne that Philip covets.  


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