Sunday, February 9, 2025 
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Cinematronic by Michael Snyder
  Stealing Harvard cinematronic

Bruce McCulloch


Jason Lee, Tom Green, Leslie Mann, Dennis Farina, Megan Mullally, Richard Jenkins, John C. McGinley, Chris Penn, Tammy Blanchard



rating rating cinematronic
  Not-so-grand larceny. For the first few minutes of "Stealing Harvard," ingratiating Jason Lee, tough-guy Dennis Farina and pert Leslie Mann seem to be sailing into an offbeat, fairly funny comedy. John (Lee) is a nice guy who works as a medical equipment salesman; he's in love with the conservative daughter (Mann) of his mistrustful boss (Farina). Promising. Then, a pointless scenario unfolds: John needs to quickly raise $30,000 to help pay his niece's college tuition, and he'll sink to theft to get the cash. Mega-simpleton Tom Green enters the picture as John's imbecilic best friend, who's in on the schemes. Green is such a tiresome nuisance that he brings the picture to a screeching halt. Some smart-ass lines and a couple of successful gags don't improve matters, nor do ordinarily proficient cast members Megan Mullally, Richard Jenkins, John C. McGinley and Chris Penn. Hard to believe: This was directed by Bruce McCulloch of the famed Kids in the Hall comedy troupe.  


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