Sunday, February 9, 2025 
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Cinematronic by Michael Snyder
  Secretary cinematronic

Steven Shainberg


Maggie Gyllenhaal, James Spader, Lesley Ann Warren, Jeremy Davies, Stephen McHattie, Patrick Bauchau, Jessica Tuck, Amy Locane



rating rating cinematronic
  Maggie Gyllenhaal is fabulous in "Secretary," a blissfully depraved romance that explores the master/slave dynamic implicit in the relationship between a boss and his secretary. Going from drab and repressed to ardent and sensual, Gyllenhaal — sister of hot young actor Jake Gyllenhaal — is believable and entrancing as former mental patient Lee Holloway, whose predilection for self-mutilation still haunts her. Lee's first job since leaving the institution is a position as secretary for E. Edward Grey, a reptilian lawyer who has browbeaten a string of female assistants. The women invariably move on. As she willingly submits to Grey's various petty demands, Lee becomes increasingly enthralled with him and starts to revel in the masochistic aspects of their interaction. James Spader, as the terribly unpleasant Grey, is a fine match for Gyllenhaal. Grey is an uncomfortable man who's acting out; Lee is a damaged soul looking for love and solace. And Gyllenhaal is so good that you accept Lee's attraction to Grey.  


I'm Not There / Love In The Time Of Cholera / Gone Baby Gone / Delirious / 2 Days In Paris /


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