Sunday, February 9, 2025 
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Cinematronic by Michael Snyder
  Bowling For Columbine cinematronic

Michael Moore


Michael Moore, Charlton Heston, Marilyn Manson, Dick Clark, Matt Stone



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  Populist rabble-rouser and documentary filmmaker Michael Moore championed the working stiff in "Roger and Me," his savage, funny indictment of U.S. corporate greed. With the equally droll "Bowling for Columbine," he broadens his scope to rail against the culture and commerce of fear in America and how that fear fosters violence. Moore's investigation of gun ownership and abuse moves from interviews with firearms fanciers and members of a Midwestern militia group to the site of a school shooting in Michigan that left a little girl dead, and on to Columbine High in the aftermath of the horrific student massacre. A key question emerges: "Why are there more gun-related deaths in the United States than in any other Western industrial country?" Seeking an answer, Moore talks to "South Park" co-creator Matt Stone, ambushes ageless TV host Dick Clark, checks in with shock-rocker Marilyn Manson and gets an audience with geriatric Hollywood star and National Rifle Association mouthpiece Charlton Heston. Extra treat: Watch for a brief, riotous cartoon history of the U.S.  


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