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Cinematronic by Michael Snyder
  Personal Velocity cinematronic

Rebecca Miller


Kyra Sedgwick, Parker Posey, Fairuza Balk, Ron Leibman



rating rating cinematronic
  Writer/director Rebecca Miller adapted three of her short stories for the sterling, insightful anthology film "Personal Velocity," and the resulting screenplay is a gift to three gifted actresses on the periphery of fame. Kyra Sedgwick, Parker Posey and Fairuza Balk give indelible performances in "Personal Velocity" as three disparate women, each coming into her own, in her own way, in her own time. Delia (Sedgwick) is a battered working-class wife who grabs her tormented kids, goes on the run from her abusive husband and tries to make a decent life for herself and the children. Greta (Posey) is a struggling book editor with man problems: Her dad (Ron Leibman) is an arrogant, successful lawyer who turned against Greta's mother, destroying the family unit; Greta's husband is an underachieving magazine fact-checker who leaves her cold. But a rising author who Greta covets as a client and potential lover could change her fortunes. Paula (Balk) is a troubled, pregnant Goth who leaves her boyfriend, hits the road and picks up a hitchhiker, a teenage boy in worse shape than she is. Lives are reevaluated; choices are made.  


I'm Not There / Love In The Time Of Cholera / Gone Baby Gone / Delirious / 2 Days In Paris /


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