Sunday, February 9, 2025 
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Cinematronic by Michael Snyder
  Children Of The Century cinematronic

Diane Kurys


Juliette Binoche, Benoît Magimel, Stefano Dionisi



rating rating cinematronic
  Trying her best to inject mighty passions into the fancy historical romance "Children of the Century," French director Diane Kurys ("Peppermint Soda") can't stop the histrionic slogging that can soggy such a film. It's a dramatic reconstitution of a turbulent period in the life of an unconventional woman — 19th century writer George Sand, whose sexual freedom and embrace of feminist ideals were way before their time. France's Juliette Binoche ("Chocolat") is elegant, lovely and headstrong as Sand, entering into a strife-torn two-year love affair with a younger man, poet Alfred de Musset (Benoît Magimel of "The Piano Teacher"). But Sand is a pariah in some circles because of her scandalous behavior, and de Musset is chastised by his family for his involvement with such a woman. Plus, de Musset is incapable of fidelity, which makes the smitten Sand miserable during the couple's trip to Venice and drives her into the arms of an Italian doctor (Stefano Dionisi). Regardless of the beautiful locations, intense performances and the relevance of Sand's stand against traditional gender roles, a bodice-ripper tone keeps creeping in.  


I'm Not There / Love In The Time Of Cholera / Gone Baby Gone / Delirious / 2 Days In Paris /


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