Sunday, February 9, 2025 
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Cinematronic by Michael Snyder
  Bruce Almighty cinematronic

Tom Shadyac


Jim Carrey, Morgan Freeman, Jennifer Aniston, Philip Baker Hall, Catherine Bell



rating rating cinematronic
  God wants to teach egocentric, malcontent TV reporter Bruce Nolan a lesson in humility when, in the wake of a difficult day, Bruce complains about his lot in life and questions the Lord. So the Man Upstairs comes downstairs, gives Bruce relative omnipotence and dares him to be a better, all-powerful deity than the Creator himself. Thus, we have the premise of the tolerable Jim Carrey comedy "Bruce Almighty." The potential for outrageous comedy is enormous, since the lanky, elastic-featured, anything-for-a-laugh Carrey plays Bruce opposite the imperious Morgan Freeman's rendition of God as a worldly, stalwart fellow in a white suit. As far as sight gags, the sky's the limit, thanks to the increasing sophistication in special effects — all manner of miracles can be formulated on screen, way beyond a realistic depiction of someone walking on water. For the first hour, Carrey delivers the chortles, as Bruce wields his power to amuse himself or to realize selfish ambitions. But comic opportunities are wasted. The film ends with globs of schmaltz and pseudo-religious trappings as Bruce tries to fix a shaky relationship with his girlfriend (Jennifer Aniston). Directed by Tom Shadyac, who guided the better Carrey vehicle "Liar, Liar."  


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