Sunday, February 9, 2025 
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Cinematronic by Michael Snyder
  Johnny English cinematronic

Peter Howitt


Rowan Atkinson, John Malkovich, Natalie Imbruglia, Ben Miller



rating rating cinematronic
  God save Rowan Atkinson, especially since the subversive, off-kilter British comic actor — best known for the roles of Blackadder and Mr. Bean — saves so much dicey material in the middling spy spoof "Johnny English." When it comes to inept secret agents, detectives and such, we've seen a few. Austin Powers and Inspector Clouseau come to mind while viewing "Johnny English," co-written by scripters of some James Bond films. Johnny, played as a clueless bumbler by goggle-eyed, rubber-legged Atkinson, is a desk jockey at British Intelligence. He becomes the agency's sole spy after his incompetence results in the simultaneous death of all of Her Majesty's agents. Then, he's called upon to solve the theft of the Crown Jewels. The conniving mastermind behind the heist is French fiend Pascal Sauvage (John Malkovich, using an absurdly over-the-top accent). Sauvage plans to force the queen to abdicate, get himself crowned king and turn the country into a walled-off island prison for all manner of criminals. Only Johnny and alluring spy Lorna Campbell (pop singer Natalie Imbruglia) can rescue Britain. And every time "Johnny English" lags, only the amazing Atkinson's shtick can rescue the movie.  


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