Sunday, February 9, 2025 
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Cinematronic by Michael Snyder
  Seabiscuit cinematronic

Gary Ross


Tobey Maguire, Jeff Bridges, Chris Cooper, William H. Macy, Elizabeth Banks, Gary Stevens



rating rating cinematronic
  The movie version of "Seabiscuit" — a docudrama based on the bestseller by Laura Hillenbrand about the life and times of the legendary Depression-era racehorse — earns a hearty "Yay!" even though there are plenty of "neighs" heard throughout. Despite a little cinematic exaggeration for effect, writer/director Gary Ross ("Pleasantville") stays right on track with this finely crafted adaptation. He gathers together period detail, strong acting (even on the equine side) and exciting racetrack sequences to tell a quintessentially American story about the underdog (underhorse?) beating the odds. Seabiscuit, an abused, undersized mount with the heart of a champ, is rescued from oblivion by a visionary businessman (redoubtable Jeff Bridges) and his eccentric horse trainer (reliable Chris Cooper). Paired with a talented but downtrodden jockey (Tobey Maguire, reaching new heights in a sensitive performance), Seabiscuit does the unexpected, winning a string of races that seem out of reach and becoming a beacon of inspiration to a country overwhelmed by poverty. It's hard to not root for horse and handlers through every challenge they face. With William H. Macy, providing comic relief as a zany radio tout.  


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