Sunday, February 9, 2025 
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Cinematronic by Michael Snyder
  Stuck on You cinematronic

Peter & Bobby Farrelly


Matt Damon, Greg Kinnear, Eva Mendes, Seymour Cassel, Cher, Meryl Streep



rating rating cinematronic
  See the names Peter and Bobby Farrelly in the credits of a film and you think gross-out humor, rampant idiocy and lots of laughter, often at the expense of unfortunates with physical deformities. The co-writing/directing Farrelly brothers are behind such hilarious, politically incorrect fare as "There's Something About Mary" and "Shallow Hal." So it's puzzling that "Stuck on You," the Farrellys' comic look at conjoined twin brothers, is not that funny. Matt Damon and Greg Kinnear, as attached-at-the-waist Bob and Walt Tenor, do bring grace-saving energy and warmth to their roles. Despite their disability, Bob (Damon) and Walt (Kinnear) are well-adjusted short-order cooks in a cozy Cape Cod town. But part-time actor Walt, whose "one-man" shows give Bob stage fright, wants more. With the promise of finally meeting his Internet sweetheart, Bob agrees to a Hollywood trip aiding Walt's pursuit of stardom. This leads to a mixed bag of show-biz in-jokes, abetted by Seymour Cassel as a geriatric agent, Eva Mendes as a would-be starlet, Cher as herself, and celebrity cameos, the most misbegotten being Meryl Streep. All are hampered by flat material, and the sympathetic gush at film's end is the antithesis of the humor that made the Farrellys successful.  


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