Sunday, February 9, 2025 
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Cinematronic by Michael Snyder
  The Perfect Score cinematronic

Brian Robbins


Scarlett Johansson, Erika Christensen, Chris Evans, Bryan Greenberg, Darius Miles, Leonardo Nam, Matthew Lillard



rating rating cinematronic
  A product of MTV Films, "The Perfect Score" is a way less than perfect movie, even for the undemanding teen 'n' tween target audience that will buy its soundtrack album of moony angst-rock, twee folk-pop and assembly-line rap. The topic addressed here is familiar to high-school students across the U.S.: Fear of the college entrance exam or Scholastic Aptitude Test, better known as the SATs. "The Perfect Score" tries and fails to generate empathy for a mixed bag of seniors in Princeton, N.J. — and it's dull, too. Would-be architect Kyle (Chris Evans), his dimmer best friend (Bryan Greenberg), basketball star Desmond (Darius Miles) and brainy-but-test-shy preppy Anna (Erika Christensen) are terrorized by the task of taking the SATs and afraid of substandard scores that will shut them out of the right college. They decide to procure the answers ahead of time by stealing them from the nearby Princeton Training Center, where the exams are developed. (How geographically convenient!) Another student, the rebellious Francesca, is the daughter of the man running the Center; she agrees to help the gang get inside. But, from planning to execution, it seems false. Rising star Scarlett Johansson as Francesca and newcomer Leonardo Lam as wacky, stoned tagalong Roy score points. The rest of the cast seems to be on autopilot.  


I'm Not There / Love In The Time Of Cholera / Gone Baby Gone / Delirious / 2 Days In Paris /


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