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Cinematronic by Michael Snyder
  The Prince & Me cinematronic

Martha Coolidge


Julia Stiles, Luke Mably, Ben Miller, James Fox, Miranda Richardson, Eliza Bennett, Alberta Watson, John Bourgeois



rating rating cinematronic
  As Cinderella-themed films go, "The Prince & Me" isn't refined, it isn't well bred, and it sure ain't noble. Rather, it's downright common and royally dim. It fritters away its few assets — some quality actors and some attractive overseas locations — in the service of a hackneyed romance that's one part wish fulfillment, one part crypto-feminism in reverse, and speckled with a smattering of stale undergrad jokes. Julia Stiles shone in "The Business of Strangers" and "O." But in "The Prince & Me," the clichéd script renders a pleasing, apparently intelligent gal little more than a likeable puppet in the service of the plot. She's brainy, upright Midwestern college senior Paige, who falls for her stuffy new classmate Eddie (Luke Mably) without knowing of his lineage as pampered prince of Denmark. Soon, Paige is torn between the lure of a fairy-tale wedding and her desire for a career in medicine. Chameleonic actress Miranda Richardson dazzled in a range of projects, from multiple roles in the psychological drama "Spider" to her riotous turn as a daffy Queen Elizabeth I in the TV series "Black Adder." Here, she's deadly dull as the prince's tradition-bound mother. The stately James Fox barely raises a blip as the prince's father, the king. Although Ben Miller tries to add snap as Eddie's sarcastic aide Soren, it's a fool's mission in this court.  


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