Sunday, February 9, 2025 
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Cinematronic by Michael Snyder
  We Don't Live Here Anymore cinematronic

John Curran


Mark Ruffalo, Laura Dern, Peter Krause, Naomi Watts, Sam Charles, Haili Page, Jennifer Bishop



rating rating cinematronic
  "We Don't Live Here Anymore" was meant to be a soul-searching tour de force for its fiery featured actors — Mark Ruffalo ("Collateral"), Laura Dern ("Focus"), Peter Krause (TV's "Six Feet Under") and Naomi Watts ("21 Grams"). Instead? Blah. The premise had promise: A friendship between two university professors and their spouses is shattered by adultery. With its psychodrama-in-a-college-town plot and its scenes of furtive rutting between handsome young academics and hot faculty wives, "We Don't Live Here Anymore" is like a defanged, sexed-up "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf" for the MTV generation. More damningly, it's a debilitating slog through marital infidelity with two couples comprised of resolutely selfish, unlikable people. Jack and Terry Linden (Ruffalo, Dern) are best friends with Hank and Edith Evans (Krause, Watts). The teachers have a boys' club-style camaraderie, and the wives get along. But Jack and Edith can't keep their hands off of each other, which can only lead to anguish. In view of Jack's frustration with Terry's slovenly housekeeping and her demeaning attitude toward him, it's hard to believe they would even stay together for the sake of their kids. And Hank and Edith are so bloodless, it's like they've never been together at all. Director John Curran doesn't bring much life to this so-so adaptation of two Andre Dubus short stories.  


I'm Not There / Love In The Time Of Cholera / Gone Baby Gone / Delirious / 2 Days In Paris /


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